Botany Readings


These readings about plants have been selected and modified from a textbook no longer in print that the present author wrote for an introductory course for non-botany majors ("The World of Plants") at Ohio University during the late 1980s and 1990s. The readings on this site were not intended to be a complete reference for introductory botany. They were intended to introduce the novice to the world of plants. For those who would like more detailed information about the plant kingdom, there are many excellent text books and web pages that are designed for specific topics about plants.

If you would like to have one of the chapters as a PDF for your hand-held device, links and QR codes may be found on this page.

If you find this website to be informative, please let me know. I am always interested in who visits this site and if it helps them understand plants a little better. Suggestions and/or comments are always welcome.

James P. Braselton, PhD

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